19 March 2025 | Hendrik Conscience Building, Brussels


Fostering co-benefits for people and the environment in view of the Nature Restoration Regulation

Join the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, Horizon Europe projects wildE, REWRITE, WILDCARD and the Society for Ecological Restoration Europe at this free event to discuss the opportunities and challenges for implementing restoration in a way that "lets nature do the job".

The passing of the EU Nature Restoration Regulation was a landmark decision for nature. This first-of-its-kind legislation aims to restore significant areas of degraded terrestrial and marine ecosystems across the EU member states. It implies an upscaling of ecological restoration far beyond current practice, which will require novel perspectives and solutions that are environmentally effective, economically feasible, and socially acceptable.

By bringing together leading European experts from the research and policy sectors, this free event will consider where and when nature could help create ecosystems that support biodiversity, store carbon and enhance livelihoods which will enable both nature and people to better cope with the growing impacts of modern climate change.

This is an in person event with limited capacity - please register soon to guarantee your place.

Event programme

Read our full event programme, which focuses in particular on restoration perspectives and solutions that combat biodiversity and climate change challenges together, and are environmentally effective, economically feasible, and socially acceptable.

The event will be opened by Aveliina Helm, President of the Society for Ecological Restoration Europe, and Hilde Eggermont, Director of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest.

Each session consists of three 15-min presentations by leading European experts, followed by 5-min Q&A sessions and a final 30-min general discussion:

  • The opening session, moderated by Georg Winkel (Wageningen University), will set the greater scene and the needs to be tackled under the Nature Restoration Regulation and will discuss:

    • A positive future for people and nature with climate-smart rewilding, with Henrique Pereira (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research)

    • The potential for nature's contributions to the EU's climate policy, with Jette Bredahl Jacobsen (University of Copenhagen and EU Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change)

    • Costs and benefits of forest restoration options, with Sven Wunder (European Forest Institute and Center for International Forestry Research)

    The combination of experts from the environmental, social and economic sciences underpins the interdisciplinary nature of the session.

  • The second session, moderated by Charlotte Hopkins (University of Hull), presents three examples of successful restoration from different contexts:

    • Restoring European woodland ecosystems: foundations, empirical insights and future perspectives with Jens-Christian Svenning (Aarhus University)

    • Gelderse Poort, a gateway to the future, with Wouter Helmer (ARK Nature and Rewilding Europe)

    • Coastal restoration and protection: looking beyond the dykes, with Iris Möller (Trinity College Dublin)

    Each case illustrates in its way how biodiversity support and climate change adaptation are intertwined and can be jointly addressed.

  • Our final session, moderated by Katharina Faradsch (Prospex Institute), will convene a cross-sectorial set of speakers to share their respective experiences with concrete legal, governance, and financial challenges and solutions under the Nature Restoration Regulation.

    • Legal barriers and possible solutions for upscaling nature restoration: from legal ‘mess’ to legal certainty, with An Cliquet (University of Ghent and SER Europe Legal Working Group)

    • Nature restoration as governance challenge: integrity, clarity and utility, with Jan Verheeke (Flemish Environment Council and EEAC Network)

    • Financing nature restoration: investment for resilient societies, with Ariel Brunner (BirdLife International)

The event will be closed by Humberto Delgado Rosa (Director of the DG Environment Directorate for Biodiversity), who will discuss how we can make the most of the Nature Restoration Regulation.

Don’t miss out - register soon to secure your place:

Meet our speakers

This is an in person event with a limited capacity. Participation is free but requires registration - register now to guarantee your place:

Register now!

The conference is an in person event taking place on 19 March 2025 (8:30 - 17:00) at Hendrik Conscience Building, Bd Roi Albert II 15, Brussels, Belgium.


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