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Rewilding, Disturbance and Biodiversity Part 1: Understanding the role of disturbance in rewilding

In this Green Shoots 2-part webinar series, 5 early career researchers from CREAF will present their work on the role of disturbance in rewilding, and the impact of rewilding on biodiversity.

In the first webinar, ‘Understanding the role of disturbance in rewilding’, we will hear from:

  • Miriam Selwyn Alvarez, who will share work on the impacts of rewilding on ecosystem resilience to disturbance

  • Ella Plumanns Pouton, who will share a conceptual framework for restoring fire regimes through rewilding

  • Rodrigo Balaguer Romano, who will share the Barcelona case study on drought and other influences on fire risk

This research will help us to learn how we can learn from past actions, and how we can test new actions to propose for the future.

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26 November

Green Shoots webinar: Developing the Nature Futures Framework scale: Understanding different perspectives on the value of nature

20 May

Rewilding, Disturbance and Biodiversity Part 2: Rewilding impacts on biodiversity